Bataung Memorial Tombstones launched their Meyersdal based corporate offices on the 7th August 2012. The corporate office was launched in style with the honorable Deputy Minister of trade and Industry, Elizabeth Thabethe cutting the Ribbon at the opening ceremony. She aslo spoke at length about the importance of small businesses growing and being central to growing employment numbers. Other honoured guests, Graham Rowe who is the winner of the Big Break Legacy show was also present in support of the Bataung Brand.
The launch of the office was not just about opening a physical space; the corporate office is led by the Bataung’s need to grow the business. This corporate office is a move to further develop our corporate image and to develop smarter and more advanced methods of selling. The corporate office is staffed by young Graduates who are armed with iPads and software that makes the selling process more efficient and effective.
This office is a coming of age for the Bataung Memorial Tombstones business that has come full circle from a little business based in Katlehong and now boasts several offices in Gauteng and two other offices in Limpopo and the Northern Cape.